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IP Video and Related Technology Installation


The following steps, guidelines, and resources are intended to assist College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) administrative units and departments in the process of developing and enhancing new or existing classroom space, conference rooms, and meeting locations with the latest technologies supported by the college. Currently, those technologies include IP video conferencing, select classroom teaching/presentation systems, and distance delivery tools.

Step 1:      Identify project lead from department/unit—This individual will be the liaison between contractors, FOD, OCIO, Purchasing, CFAES Communications and all other approved vendors during the engagement. Additionally, a technical contact (departmental staff member) who will be in charge of managing and training others on the use of the technology, and a scheduling contact for the space, will need to be assigned.

The department contact will be in charge of setting up and arranging meetings, making assignments, and approving budgets for the project. The departmental/unit project lead must have authority (or access to the resource) to initiate eRequest(s) for payment of all expenses that are the responsibility of the department/unit.

Step 2:      Request initial assessment by CFAES Communications Production Services and Information Technology Services units—Once the above step is completed, the department project lead submits the Project Request Form to alert Communications of the project’s requirements, needs, anticipated timeline, and projected and available budget.

When submitting the assessment request, please know the following are currently supported tools:

  • IP Video Conferencing H.323 (Polycom HDX)
  • Camtasia Relay (computer capture, recording, and server archiving)
  • CarmenConnect
  • SMART Tools (screen annotation and recording)
  • The Ohio State University has established standard A/V requirements that will be provided at the start of the engagement.

Once the Project Request Form is received, the request will be brought to a weekly production meeting where appropriate team members and a project lead will be identified to initiate the different components of the assessment.

Resources from OARDC and ATI will be fully engaged and part of the team(s) when the project is on one or more of those campuses. The initial assessment will include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Assessment and testing of the existing network and IT infrastructure
  • Evaluation of the current level of technology being used
  • Site survey of the location
  • Initial budget estimate and/or general budget considerations
Decision Point: Once the department/unit receives the results of the initial assessment, the project lead and/or administrative head must provide an e-mail confirmation of the decision to proceed with an approval of the estimated budget, or not to proceed.
Important Consideration: Recognizing that the Communications team is engaged in multiple projects simultaneously, the Communications leadership team will determine an appropriate project schedule based on existing capacity and commitments.

Step 3:     Identify team—Once approval has been received, the Communications project lead will identify the team members who will be part of the project. It is the responsibility of the department/unit project lead to work with the CommTech project lead to schedule meetings and coordinate schedules.

Step 4:     Plan developed—With the team identified, the following will be completed:

  • ITS support and recommendations of proper network (wired and wireless) solutions
  • Recommendations on the best use and technology practices supported college-­‐ wide
  • Budget estimates and quotes for all aspects of the project
  • Coordination with outside vendors for media, video, and IT needs
  • Coordination with outside vendors for preventive maintenance and repair services
  • Software installations, upgrades, and server management changes if required
  • Physical facility renovation plans and budgets

In addition to this document CFAES will also be using the A/V standards document cooperatively prepared by Communications and other media services groups throughout Ohio State.

Decision Point: Based on actual budget figures and proposed timelines, the department orunit will provide an e-mail that indicates acceptance of the project, a request for revisions toadjust budgets or timelines, or indication that the project will not move forward at this time.

Step 5:      Schedule kick-­‐off meeting—Based on final acceptance of the project plan, the department/unit project lead will schedule a kick-­‐off meeting to initiate the project. All resources will be officially assigned in this meeting.

Step 6:      Project implementation—All renovation and/or equipment installations are completed by all internal and external vendors.

Step 7:      Installation complete—Throughout the renovation and/or installation process, the primary contact(s) from Communications work with the department/unit project lead to ensure compliance with the agreed-­‐on project plan and budget. The department/unit project lead provides initial project sign-­‐off in collaboration with the Communications contact(s).

Step 8:      Initial training period—Communications will provide training on all new equipment to the designated departmental technical contact, and faculty/staff on request, and provide support documents for the operation of the facility, including IP video conferencing, other classroom technologies, and coordination with other presentation locations. Once training is complete and a system is approved for release, the department assumes responsibility for setting up and maintaining the computer equipment and software site license, for additional faculty training, for scheduling of the room, and any related technology needs. This includes preventive maintenance and break/fix issues. Communications will be available to assist the department.

Step 9:      Project sign-­‐off—The department/unit project lead and all appropriate team members sign off on their components of the project as completed. The department/unit leadership is provided with a final briefing and the project is closed.

Step 10:   Technology in use—New IP video sites will be added to the online CFAES Distance Delivery and IP Video Database. These sites will also be added to the CFAES Global Directory, which can be found in each IP video unit. Communications will provide remote endpoint management and software upgrades via a network-­‐ based service, but departments are financially responsible for site licensing and annual warrantee fees.

Questions about this document or the process? Contact Randy Nemitz (